You're Plume, a strange creature who has just woken up after hibernating for... Well, nobody knows how long. You seem to be the only one awake, though. Which means you'll have to explore in search of a way to wake everyone else up.


  • arrow keys or WASD to move
  • down key to toggle between fern mode and bird mode
  • r to restart

This is my first time really making a full original game, so feedback is appreciated! I hope you have fun playing :)

please have fun                     please                       I beg of you

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Tags2D, Atmospheric, jumping, Short, Singleplayer


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I am your mother's student

Very good! A difficult game, but not impossible; a bit creepy around pigs, but cute the rest of the time. A bit of a shame that morphing to a fern does not have a bigger impact in game play.

I enjoyed it.

Thank you so much!! I'm really glad you liked it and um.... didn't find it impossible lol (some of my beta testers a.k.a friends did). I agree about the fern thing: I designed a a lot of the levels with that in mind (basically any level with wind, minus one), but later in making the game I found out you could just do them without using fern form at all, so yeah that was just something I messed up on.

Anyway, thank you for the feedback, it's really helpful. And also I really appreciate that you took the time to comment, so thank you for that too. Seriously you don't know how happy it makes me :)